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Morrocan soap Baladi with Argan and Ekr Fasi 250 grams

Morrocan soap Baladi with Argan and Ekr Fasi 250 grams

Moroccan Black Soap, due to its composition, has a high content of vitamin E, which provides it with potent antioxidant properties. The main function of vitamin E in skincare is to protect against free radicals that significantly contribute to the aging process.

Moroccan Black Soap also contains tons of iron, copper, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D. All of which work in conjunction to make black soap rife with with numerous beneficial properties:

It is suitable for all skin types.

It does not irritate the skin.

Eliminates all impurities

Eliminates accumulated dead skin cells.

It softens and nourishes the skin.

It tones and tightens sagging skin.

It moisturizes.

It purifies and cleanses on a deep level.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How do I use Moroccan black soap?

Start with vapor. Equivalent to a sauna, you'll want to be in a heated room (turn on a hot shower for a few minutes for the same effect) to generate moisture on your skin.

Apply a thin layer of soap. ...leave it for 20 minutes

Rinse. ...

Exfoliate with the kessa glove.

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